40th Anniversary Polo Shirt and Cap Order

  • must begin with "+country code-", only hyphens "-" are allowed in the number
  • e.g. +852-98765432 for Hong Kong, +1-212-456-7890 for US, +44-7123-456789 for UK
  • for WhatsApp communication
* One Polo Shirt and one Cap (Cotton or Polyester) are complimentary for every 40th Anniversary Dinner attendee. Please refer to the prices below for any additional orders of Polo Shirt and Cap. For those not attending the dinner, you will be charged at these prices as well.
Additional Polo Shirt price: HKD280
Additional Cap (Cotton or Polyester) price: HKD100
Additional 40th Anniversary Badge price: HKD50

Polo Shirt Color Terminology
Polo Shirt Measurement Guide
Cap (Cotton) Color Terminology (One Size)
Cap (Polyester) Color Terminology (One Size)

For any additional orders for Polo Shirt or Cap or Badge, please indicate your preference in the remarks.
e.g. Extra Shirt 1 : Grey, XL. Extra Cap 1: Polyester, Khaki. Two Extra Badges.

All orders must be received on or before October 20, 2024 to allow for enough time for the production.
For those not attending the dinner, you are welcome to order the items. However, you will need to arrange to have the items picked up in Hong Kong somehow, e.g. via a friend who is attending the dinner. Contact Sebastian Chan.
Sebastian Chan will contact you via email or Whatsapp to collect the money for the extra orders.