Class of 84 Fundraising Campaign

Thank you for supporting the Class of 84 Fundraising Campaign! 
There are two ways to make the donation:
1. Bank In directly to La Salle Foundation bank account:
La Salle Foundation Limited
HSBC Account Number: 004-600-642458-001
If you need to receive receipt for tax purpose, please reach out to any one of our organizing committee.
2. You can also make the donation via the La Salle Foundation website:
In this website, you can make the donation either via Master/Visa, or via Mail.  Just follow the instructions.
In order for La Salle Foundation to identify those donations attributed to Class of 1984 Fundraising Campaign, please ensure your donation will end with 84 dollars.
For example, if you are intending to donate HKD 10,000 (Ten Thousand Dollars), please make it to HKD 10,084 (Ten Thousand and Eighty-Four Dollars).
For those making direct transfer from overseas, in order for us to capture the correct amount of dollars (in whatever currency), please absorb the sender and receiver bank charges yourself, so that the amount received by La Salle Foundation will reflect the correct ending with 84 dollars.

In order for us to keep track of the donation, as well as cross-checking with La Salle Foundation’s account, we would appreciate it if you can fill in the below.  We understand that you may want to remain anonymous, in which case you do not need to fill in your name.  However, if you can fill in the amount that you have donated, as well as the date the donation is made, that will be most helpful for our verification efforts.  Thank you very much. 

* please leave blank if you want to remain anonymous
* please ensure your donation ends with 84 dollars
E.g., 2025-03-14
* optional
* upload the payment proof, optional
Files must be less than 10 MB.
Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png bmp gif pdf.

Personal Information Collection Statement:
Please be advised that it is voluntary for you to supply your personal data to the Class of 1984 40th Anniversary Fundraising Committee (“84 FC”). All personal data submitted will only be used for purposes which are directly related to the matter set out above. The personal data submitted may be transferred to La Salle Foundation in the course of confirming the details of the donations made.
You have the right to request access to and correction of your personal data held by the 84 FC. Request for access or correction of personal data should be made in writing to Joseph Kwan on behalf of the 84 FC at